Singing Guide: Doug Hammer

Singing Guide: Doug Hammer

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn singing like Doug Hammer, you first need to understand his vocal technique and style. Doug's music is a blend of pop and jazz with classical influences, and he has a rich, warm tone to his voice. One of the unique vocal techniques he uses is called legato, which involves smoothly connecting notes without any interruption.

To learn to sing like Doug Hammer, it's important to start with the basics of singing. Begin by working on your breathing technique, which is essential for smooth and uninterrupted singing. Singing Carrots provides a great article on breathing basics that can help you get started. You might also want to check out the singing course, which offers practical tips and exercises to improve your singing ability.

Once you have the basics covered, it's time to work on vocal control. Doug Hammer has excellent vocal control, and that is what makes his singing effortless and smooth. The best way to develop vocal control is by practicing exercises that focus on voice registers, vocal breaks and breath support. Check out the articles that Singing Carrots have provided on Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks and Breath Support for further assistance on this.

To improve vocal tone and articulation, practice singing different scales, arpeggios and intervals. Focus on good resonance and diction and improve your articulation technique. You can also view Singing Carrots' article on 'Articulation' to make sure you are in the right direction.

To get a better understanding of Doug's vocal style, listen to his music and listen to how he phrases his notes and breathes between them. Some of Doug Hammer's songs that showcase his technique are My Heart Tells Me, Green, and Shades of You which present a perfect blend of pop and jazz. Also, check out the song-search tool on Singing Carrots, which will make it easier for you to find songs in your vocal range and style preference.

Singing Carrots provides useful resources to help you develop vocal techniques such as Twang, Growling and Vibrato, which Doug has mastered. Go through the Skill-related Videos linked in the resources to make sure you are on the right track and improve your skills with these exercises.

Remember that developing good singing habits and techniques takes time and consistent practice, so don't get discouraged if it takes you a while to see results. With the right mindset and guidance from the Singing Carrots community, you can learn to sing like Doug Hammer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.